New Research: Predictive Intelligence Insights from 140+ Million Interactions

The key to building a highly personalized customer journey starts with predictive intelligence. Measuring your predictive intelligence performance and the impact predictive web recommendations and predictive intelligence-inclusive email campaigns have on your bottom line can be tough. It's hard to know how your predictive intelligence campaigns are performing and where you can improve.

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A Digital Marketer’s Recap of Google I/O 2014

Last week’s Google I/O 2014 developer conference left many developers swooning. With typical tech keynote fashion, product announcements, feature enhancements, a new operating system, new developer programs, and much more were all packed into a two-and-a-half-hour keynote—the full recording can be found at the bottom of this post for any Google enthusiasts out there with a free three hours.

There have been many recaps and articles on the news from the conference, but I wanted to call out some of the big news specifically for marketers and the impact Google's announcements will have on your future marketing plans. Below, is my recap of the keynote and conference along with the major takeaways for marketers.

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