The Future of Mobile Advertising Isn't Number of Clicks

I recently found this quote from Brian Wong, Founder and CEO of Kiip:

The future of companies in the advertising space shouldn’t be about the number of clicks—it’s about changing how the brand is involved in the consumer’s life. There’s an obsession with the old metrics used to define success, like reach and frequency. In the old model, the number of times a users sees something is when the brand wins.

Repetition actually triggers a negative reaction. A brand has to address your needs with a quality approach, because a phone is very personal; it’s not a device, it’s a connection. One of the best ways brands can connect emotionally with people is through these mobile moments—making hyper-engaged, emotionally significant impressions.

You’re not only marketing to someone, but you’re appreciating what they’ve achieved on an individual basis. When you reward and respect consumer needs, you build loyalty moment by moment.

In a society bombarded by advertising and marketing, we have been desensitized to traditional advertising.

Brands need to stop thinking about the traditional measurements and metrics. "It's about changing how the brand is involved in the consumer's life."

Focus instead on the individual, the relationship, and moments (interactions). Let every interaction with your brand have purpose and further the relationship between your customer and your brand.

Youtility and mutual benefit for both the brand and the customer are the future of what is currently known as "advertising."