Learning the Art of Stillness in South Africa
Sunrise over Cape Town from Lion's Head peak
"In an age of acceleration, nothing can be more exhilarating than going slow. And in an age of distraction, nothing is so luxurious as paying attention. And in an age of constant movement, nothing is so urgent of sitting still." - Pico Iyer
After returning from one of the most amazing trips of my life, I've been taking a great deal of time to reflect and really think about that experience. Too often I become engrossed with living life through a screen. Even on vacations most of us often succumb to enjoying ourselves through a camera lens. Some of the most impactful moments on that trip, though, were when I learned the art of stillness and to enjoy "going nowhere."
After our trip, a friend sent me the TED talk below by Pico Iyer on the art of stillness. It fit perfectly with the feelings I had as I returned home after our trip. Pico discusses his philosophy around enjoying life by going nowhere and where we've come as a society tied to our technology and comforts. As a travel writer and essayist, Pico challenged my thinking around joy and living in the moment.